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Target Audience

Establishing my target audience is important for multiple reasons:


  1. Allows me to cater my game to the correct audience

  2. Allows me to better understand what assets and features I need to implement

  3. Having a clearer picture of my audience, allows better targeting with marketing

  4. Lets me know what are my limitations

Studying my Audience

Firstly, I shall consider accessibility in the context of possible audience. Project N.U.W is designed to be a difficult, intense simulation experience. This experience, reduces my possible player base significantly. Due to the intensity and difficulty of the game, it will not be suitable to people who cannot provide inputs quickly. I can attempt to make the "game speed" have multiple options which will act as difficulties. However, that would take away from the reality of the situation. Making the game slow, would not be as accurate of a representation of the events that took place within the Fukushima station. Keeping the core experience is really important to me. Consequently, those who are older or less physically able will struggle to play this game. Additionally, those who are really young will struggle with mechanical inputs possibly. I am trying to keep the control options simple and customisable in order to cater to a larger, varying audience.


When it comes to content within the game, it will not be suitable for younger audiences (below the age of 13). This is because the environment features dramatic imagery and an intensity that will result in stress, which at a young age is not suitable. Also, due to the sensitive nature of the location or game intensity, some older people may not want to play the game.



As an average, it seems my audience has to lie somewhere between teens to adults. The more I depict devastation within the game, the less suitable it becomes to younger audiences (the higher the age rating will become). Since one of my aims is educating, it makes sense to target younger people, as they are still malleable and more open to digesting information. Furthermore, even though there is an increase in gamers older than 25+, the majority of people who play games are younger. For that reason, my target audience will be young adults.

Analysis of typical player

For this section, I will study the typical player of a parkour game in order to provide context for my own. I will use Mirror's Edge as the example - due to its success and popularity. The game was released with its intended target audience being Teenagers and more specifically people who want something different. Its age rating is 16 years and over as it contains realistic violence. My game will not contain violence, but will contain fairly graphic and harsh scenes which may be difficult to comprehend and process or cause distress. For that reason, I think 16+ will also be appropriate. As well as that, I do want to give my players a new experience, entering an unknown environment, attempting to escape it. With growing trends in extreme tourism, I think curiosity of players will be at its peak surrounding the exploration of Fukushima. In summary, my game will be aimed at a very similar, if not the same target audience, that mirror's edge was developed for.


This means expectations will be high from said audience, as they have previously played and enjoyed the most famous parkour game. I think, however, my game will also appeal to those who enjoy speed running. The speed running community is one that is still considered a niche, even thought it is constantly growing in members. I think that if my mechanics are developed to a very fluid and consistent level, then the speed running community will enjoy the natural challenge of the game as well as competing to complete it against other players (which is natural within parkour games). My intended design for the game does not feature a clock, because speed running is not the focus or message I want to send.

Player Example Summary

Gender: Any

Age: 16 +

Occupation: Most likely Student

Why would they play: Enjoy challenging games, enjoy parkour games, curious to explore an extreme location, want to try something new.

Traits: Determined, Patient, Curious. Adventurous

Navigate to my project proposal where I have documented more regarding my target audience and platform:



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