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Parkour game concepts

In order to progress from phase 2, to 3, I require 3 game concepts that I will prototype. I am really interested in creating a multiplayer game, as I feel it will be the most interesting and fun out of all the other ideas I have. However, due to the extremely short period of time that we are given for development, I will put that idea aside.


To assist with the selection of 3 game concepts, I created a small set of questions. The questions were:



1. "Which of these ideas interest you most?"


- Tarzan - Story Based game

- Hall of Meat - trying to break your character's bones in short amount of time by jumping off different heights (score system)

- Playing as an animal and exploring a normal world

- Parkouring your way out of an exploded nuclear reactor (floor is radioactive waste) - *Fukushima* or *Chernobyl*

- Maze game - Escape the maze (no map - you have to figure it out and time is your score)



2. "What interests you about this idea?"



3. "What would make it fun?"



4 "*Optional* Do you have any other ideas?"

Parkour game concepts - Responses

Question 1 had some interesting results. I was surprised that "Hall of Meat" was the lowest, and also that "Tarzan" had a low amount of votes. I have learnt that most people seem to prefer interactions with/as an animal over games with people. I wonder if this is because during covid lockdown, everyone struggled socially and became more attached to their pets at home?


As for the "Tarzan" game - It is possible that most people are not interested in playing a story based game - on the character Tarzan. It appears as though there is little investment into the character - from the audience, I asked. I do wonder if I selected another character that currently is more "modern" would it have done better in receiving additional votes?


I am pleased that the nuclear reactor game received the majority of votes - as that is one I can see myself progressing further with. As for second place, the animal one, it is a very broad game concept - I have many different routes which I could take it and that is quite daunting.


From my list of ideas, I decided to take the prison game forward, as I felt it was a stable game concept with an interesting stealth element and parkour mechanics. Additionally, it gives me enough space to create an interesting level design - whilst not leaving me staring at a blank page; not knowing where to start. So then I have to choose 2 ideas from these results. I will listen to the majorities, taking the reactor game and animal game into phase 3.

Question 1 PieChart.PNG

Question 2 :

Nuclear R.

- The Parkour

- The Interactions & Parkour

-  Lot of opportunity

- Intensity from imminent danger

- Exploring unknown territory and narrative, mementos

- Sounds interesting


- Lots of potential, interesting mix (gameplay + map design)

- Escape aspect and the difficulty

- Not a frequently seen combination


- Therapeutic

- Wholesome and available to all age groups

- Perspective of animal, multiple threat options, animals can be more physically adept

- Exploring new world

Hall of Meat

- Unique gameplay elements

- More unique concept



- Interest in story games

- Exploring different environments, experiencing primitive settings

- Environmental storytelling


A common theme that appears in a few of the concepts is "exploration". The ability to have free rein over an environment, looking around and navigating through a space. This is important to note - In future development, I must refrain from making the user feel as though they have strict pathways to follow.

Question 3 :

Nuclear R.

- Making it feel realistic

- Being able to jump, climb and interact with a variety of objects.

- Smooth movement and rewarding scoring system

- Co-op option to help one another escape

- Jumping around, avoiding radiation


- Route should be different of replayability

- Competitive time leaderboard

- Obstacles, enemies and traps

- Variety of different levels, challenges and environments

- Rotating levels?


- New perspective

- New habitat exploration

- Music and relaxing play

- Taking a step back can be engaging

- Keeping it casual and own pace

- Character design

- Threat from enemies & opportunities

- Narrative?

- Secrets or hidden lore

- New abilities

Hall of Meat

- Comic gore and blood

- Good SFX

- Comical, satire and exaggerated

- Injuries should make player cringe and laugh


- Seeing different animals communicate and congregate to plot vs Tarzan

- Swinging on vines

- Plethora of tricks/skills to get about

- Easter eggs

Interestingly, the animal game received the most feedback in terms of things that would make it fun to play. However, individuals who voted on this idea are split into two different gameplay moods for the game. One category of voters imagines a relaxing, stress-reducing game with no sudden events, whilst the others would prefer a realistic game in which you must make decisions in order to survive as your predators will be hunting you. The latter game would attempt to recreate the harsh real-life environment and how you would survive as an animal, which players would be unfamiliar with (as typically there is not much variation in terms of animal games). Creating this game could lead to a more educational result, however the game will also be fairly stressful - as stress is a natural response to urgency in survival situations. If I go through with a more relaxing game, it is tricky to make interactions worthwhile and interesting. A chill game usually revolves around having no strict objectives - giving the player flexibility and freedom to do what they want. In that case, creating a fascinating world, will be the most important aspect.



Other games featured consistent feedback - with each idea having "variation" as the main talking point, through either levels, abilities or both.


Key notes:


Nuclear - Making it realistic and making use of parkour in order to get over obstacles.

Maze - Design levels to allow for route setting and have a variety of levels.

Animal - Chill/Realistic?

Hall of Meat - Exaggerated graphics and sounds.

Tarzan - Lots of movement skills and mechanics.


Parkour game concepts - Summary

Overall, this short survey has proven to be very useful. I have gained insight into what people find interesting and also generated some new ideas for possible developments from each theme (majority for the Animal game - which I had no idea where to take).

I now have to select 3 game ideas to take forward for prototyping. These will be selected in Phase 3.

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