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Phase 3 Presentation

This presentation was about showcasing our prototyping for our 3 game ideas. The aim was to better inform and demonstrate how our games would possibly function/work. Doing so, to generate interest and then possibly collaborate/ form a team with our classmates.

My presentation

My Presentation

I began by explaining my 2 areas of focus for my prototyping. My chosen topics were "fun" and "movements". From these two themes, all my prototypes were developed.

MindMapsForProtoyping Presentation.PNG

I continued by going through my first iteration of prototypes. This included paper and Lego models with stop-motion animations. I played with scale, level design and movement mechanics (crouch, vault, climb, tic-tac , ledges, picking up objects and more).


For my games, it is important to establish a move set that is appropriate and is fun/simple to interact with.

After that, I showed a game I came across during my research phase (Killrun). I showed a small clip of me playing through a level, about 18 seconds in duration. Within this clip, it demonstrated the very simple movement options that the player has and abilities within the game that allow the player to teleport. Teleporting is a popular ability within most games that feature parkour (a very famous example would be the dishonoured series). I thought this game was a good example of simple but executed well enough that it is fun.

I then separated my prototyping into 3 categories - one for each game: Nuclear Reactor game, Prison game and Animal Parkour game.


Within the Nuclear Reactor section, I created a small example of a level within minecraft, where the player is able to parkour through a dark warehouse-like environment. There seems to be a lot of debris and the rooms are filling up with water. Additionally, there are flashing lights, buttons, vents and some strange mechanism-that once you press a button, it seems to overheat and release hot liquid. I attempted to mimic the reactor setting and implement features that I was considering adding to the eventual final project.

For the prison game, I featured a demo of a hide and seek mechanic that has been developed by another developer- I was able to test their demo here :

As well as that, I had made a recording of my Unity playground - where I have a variety of different movement options and static map objects to interact with.


Finally, making use of a Google doodle, I created a top-down level, which had different puzzles that you had to complete in order to progress.

For the animal game, I featured my initial Lego prototype, where I built a "2d map" and had different animals with different skill sets/abilities (so they would navigate through the level differently). As I was least certain where to take this idea, I explained that , it would be fun simply making a large sandbox world where you could switch between different animals with different move sets. Similar to goat simulator.

Overall I think my presentation went well, it received positive feedback from my peers and provided clear expectations. I did not manage to generate enough interest to team up with someone on my project, so I will continue developing it independently. We did also conduct a vote as to which idea was the most interesting, and my results were (in order from most popular to least)


1. Animal Parkour

2. Nuclear Reactor

3. Prison Escape


The reason for Animal Parkour having more votes, was due to it having opportunities for more different move sets. I am not yet confident in my programming abilities to develop different move sets that are different enough from one another - giving the player a real sense of choice between various play styles. I chose to continue with the Nuclear Reactor game concept as I have a clearer vision and am passionate about executing that idea well.

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